Smartwatches vs Fitness Trackers

March 28, 2022

Smartwatches and fitness trackers are two of the most popular wearable tech devices on the market. Both offer a wide range of features, including tracking fitness activities and monitoring health metrics, but they also have some differences. In this blog post, we'll provide an unbiased comparison between smartwatches and fitness trackers that can help you to choose between the two.

Design and Features

Fitness trackers are often designed to look like wristbands and are focused primarily on activity tracking. They typically have small displays and limited functionality, with the main purpose of tracking steps, distance, calories burned, and other fitness-related data.

On the other hand, smartwatches offer a more versatile design and a range of features that go beyond fitness tracking. They have larger displays, and some models even come with cellular connectivity, GPS, and a range of other features such as NFC for mobile payments, music playback, and voice assistants.

Battery Life

One of the most significant differences between smartwatches and fitness trackers is battery life. Fitness trackers typically have longer battery life than smartwatches, with some models lasting for weeks or months on a single charge. In contrast, most smartwatches need to be charged daily or every other day, which might be a significant inconvenience for some users.


Fitness trackers are generally less expensive than smartwatches, with the cost ranging from $30 to $200. Smartwatches, on the other hand, start at around $150 and can go up to $1000, depending on the features and brand.

Tracking Accuracy

When it comes to tracking accuracy, both smartwatches and fitness trackers are fairly accurate, but they use different sensors to track fitness activities. Fitness trackers are designed to track basic metrics such as steps taken, distance, and calories burned. In contrast, smartwatches use more advanced sensors such as GPS and heart rate monitors for more accurate tracking.


Choosing between a smartwatch and a fitness tracker ultimately depends on your needs and preferences. If you're primarily concerned with tracking fitness activities, a fitness tracker might be the better option as it is less expensive, has longer battery life, and is more optimized for activity tracking. However, if you want a more versatile device with a range of features such as cellular connectivity and mobile payments, a smartwatch might be the better choice despite its higher price and shorter battery life.


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